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Drug Addiction Treatment Programs

Drug Addiction Treatment Programs

New Choices Treatment Centers Aims to Create a Better Approach to Addiction Treatment

For more than fifty years, the medical community has treated addiction, drug addiction treatment in particular, as an acute illness. An individual is given 30 days of treatment, have them complete a cookie-cutter list of treatment plan activities or courses, and then pronounce them cured. It is any wonder then that there is such a high rate of relapse and so many who still struggle with their addictions years later.

Many people today just stand and scratch their heads in confusion when a year later the person is still not fully recovered from their addiction and oftentimes are back to where they were before they started seeing someone for their substance use disorder. The sad truth is that 86% of those who enter residential treatment complete their program yet less than 10% are still in recovery a year later.

Why New Choices Treatment Centers Is Different

The current process clearly is not working and a more effective drug addiction treatment plan and approach is necessary for truly lasting results. At New Choices Treatment Centers we do not believe these facts point to a failure in any particular therapeutic intervention. It is also not the fault of the individual for not wanting to get clean and not trying hard enough.

Rather we feel it is a failure of the system itself. We decided in order to best help those suffering from addiction we needed to re-imagine that system. Developing an individualized approach to treatment for substance use disorder and abuse is the driving focus of everything we do at our treatment facilities. It is because of this that we have built our programs to cater to the unique needs of a diverse range of people, including veterans, LGBTQIA+, and more.

A Newer and Better Approach to Substance Use Disorder Recovery

Our approach to addiction recovery is trauma-informed and uses a multi-pronged approach to tackle addiction from different fronts using evidence-based modalities. We offer the following types of treatments to those looking for help with their long-term substance abuse issues:


Stay on-site in a fully immersive addiction recovery program that focuses on physical, emotional, and mental healing.



A faster program focused on clearing the body of substances and helping the person overcome the mental addiction that goes with it.



Focused on active recovery and looking at re-entry into the world, this program is often the final stage of recovery.



Graduates of the program receive continued care through the support system established during their initial stay.


Our Modalities of Care

Our approach is unique in that it blends multiple treatments and therapies to focus on a range of symptoms and causes so we can get to the root of the addiction. Rather than relying on a single approach whether that is something suggested by the national institute on drug abuse, alcoholics anonymous, or cbt national institutes, we combine elements and create custom treatment plans.

No two people are alike and no two addiction and recovery stories are the same. So we believe no two recovery plans are the same either. Our patients can expect one or more of the following approaches to be part of their recovery plan:

The Empowerment Model Makes a Difference

Grounded in the Transformational Model of Treatment, our treatment program incorporates over a dozen of the best evidence-based and experiential therapies to create a truly individualized treatment plan for each of our residents. Our unique approach to traditional behavioral therapies, cognitive behavioral therapy, and individual as well as medically assisted group therapy options makes it easier for everyone to get the help they need.

It implements the Empowerment Model, which focuses on a client’s strengths and abilities rather than on their problems, pathologies, or declaring powerlessness. In this way each client is empowered to see his or her true potential, reframe their beliefs with a clear path to redefining who they are, and in that way, set a course for who they want to become.

Get Help for Addiction and Recovery With New Choices Treatment Centers

Struggling with a substance use disorder and addiction is a difficult place to be, both for the person struggling with the addiction as well as their friends and loved ones. Mental illness can be devastating and have far-reaching effects. Thankfully recovery is not a pipedream and with the right approach and support, long-lasting recovery is possible!

If you or a loved one is struggling with occurring mental issues, addictions, and substance abuse, contact us today and let us show you the New Choices Treatment Centers’ difference for yourself.