Does Your Partner Need Alcohol Intervention? Texas Rehabs Offer Hope

It’s time to face the uncomfortable facts. There may have been one last straw, an event so troublesome that it forced you to admit your partner has a problem. Or maybe it was a growing realization—becoming clearer over time—that someone you love is no longer consciously in control of their drinking. In either case, whether the fact has suddenly dawned on you or crept up slowly, the light is shining brightly on your loved one’s addiction now, imploring you to acknowledge and act. 

When an individual’s relationship with alcohol has begun to affect their life and the lives of those around them in a negative way, their loved ones may feel compelled to intervene. But how do you approach a person who has a dangerous relationship with alcohol without making matters worse? The key to a successful intervention is communication—presenting facts and feelings in a way that is not accusatory. The wrong approach could push your partner into denial and force them to withdraw from you.

If you have concluded that your loved one needs alcohol intervention, Texas rehab centers have resources to support you. When planning to intervene, it may be helpful to get the insights of an addiction specialist, psychologist, or social worker, as your approach could make a significant difference. Knowing where to find help and what questions to ask can make this difficult process a bit easier.  

Deciding When to Intervene

Two people holding hands.

Alcohol use is very common and culturally acceptable in many social situations. Unfortunately, due to its addictive properties, alcohol abuse is also quite prevalent. While the word alcoholic may conjure up a stereotypical image, there is not a single representation or description that fits everyone suffering from alcohol abuse.

Some people engage in binge drinking on a regular basis. Others do not drink every day but may have trouble stopping once they get started. You may have noticed your loved one repeatedly exhibiting behavioral signs of intoxication; including slurred speech, loss of inhibition, stumbling, or being off-balance. Or, you may have observed other tell-tale signs: bottles hidden in unexpected places, or piles of empty cans in the recycling bin.

Once you are convinced your partner has a drinking problem, you will likely be compelled to take action. The task may seem intimidating since by definition, addiction is a powerful compulsion. Intervening may seem like a herculean feat, but one you are likely willing to attempt if it will save your loved one from the overt dangers and potential long-term damage of alcohol abuse. 

Questions to Consider When Planning an Alcohol Intervention

You will likely have many questions on your mind as you try to determine the most effective way to intervene. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

How should I confront them? You may have already tried to intervene informally. If not, you could try a casual conversation in which you state your observations and tell them how you feel. If this is not successful, you will likely move on to the next step. The difference between an informal approach and a formal intervention comes down to accountability. A formal intervention represents a structured and organized effort to help your loved one acknowledge problem drinking and get them to accept treatment.

Who should take part in the intervention? With the goal of helping your partner view their behavior through a different lens, it is helpful to have people close to them present to describe what they have observed. Family members, friends, co-workers, and faith leaders may be helpful to have on the team, especially if they can provide specific examples of how the person’s alcohol use has become problematic in the course of their life and relationships.

How can I make a plan? Since the goal is to intervene in a calm and effective way, it is essential to plan an intervention carefully. An impromptu intervention may backfire if it is guided by emotions, as it may take the person by surprise and put them on the defensive. Getting your intervention team involved in the planning process will allow you to divide up the research tasks, figure out how to best structure the intervention, look into different types of treatment, and sort through possible rehab centers.

How can I get professional input to maximize the impact of the intervention? Consulting with a mental health or addiction specialist is a proactive strategy to improve the way you approach your loved one. Avoiding accusations and emotionally-charged outbursts will increase the chances of successfully reaching them. Getting the input of an addiction specialist can make this difficult task more manageable. 

What kind of treatment plans are suggested? If your goal is to get your loved one into treatment, it is essential to have something to recommend to them during the intervention. Without having researched treatment options, it will be difficult to offer informed possibilities for treatment. This is where the input of a knowledgeable professional is invaluable to your efforts. Guiding your partner to the most appropriate treatment is essential to gaining their trust and increasing the likelihood of success. 

What consequences should I impose? It is important to consider what consequences you are willing to impose if your partner refuses to enter treatment for their alcohol abuse. This could include asking them to move out, or denying them unsupervised time with young children. It is necessary to give careful thought to the consequences and to be willing to act on them in the event that your loved one does not follow through with treatment.

Where to Find Help with Alcohol Intervention in Texas

Once you have determined that you must intervene to impact your partner’s drinking, you will need to enlist some help. It is important to consult with a specialist in addiction medicine— a medical subspecialty focused on the prevention and treatment of substance use and addiction disorders. While your partner’s primary care physician may know your loved one well and be willing to advise, it is likely they do not have specific expertise in addiction. Nothing beats the opportunity to consult with an expert when dealing with the complex physical and psychological disorder of addiction.

The best approach to treatment is the comprehensive focus of a multidisciplinary team at an addiction rehab center. Finding a treatment facility you like and engaging their staff in helping to plan your intervention can be reassuring for you, and it can help ensure the best possible outcome for your partner. Based on the information you provide, the rehab team can advise you on the safest method of detox stabilization. They can then help you decide whether your loved one would benefit most from inpatient or intensive outpatient therapy, and discuss whether medication-assisted treatment might be appropriate for their alcohol use disorder.

Planning to intervene in the life of a loved one with a drinking problem is a necessary, but formidable, undertaking. Luckily, there are specialists in Texas ready and willing to help. Having a trusted, skilled team of experts in your corner should give you the confidence and support you need to take the next steps towards success. 

If you need help planning an alcohol intervention in Texas, the trusted addiction specialists at New Choices Treatment Centers are available to help. Reach out today to our knowledgeable and compassionate staff with your questions or call (726) 888-7003, and we can help you proceed with confidence to positively impact the life of your loved one.