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Evaluating Your Options for Texas Drug Rehab


Evaluating Your Options for Texas Drug Rehab

If ever there was a state associated with a smile and a tip of the hat, it’s Texas. Visitors are taught to expect warmth and hospitality when they roll down the bluebonnet-bordered highways. Even locals expect a healthy dose of Texan pride, good humor, and a high level of care from each other. Despite the friendly vibe, it can feel like a lot of pressure to be asked to smile when you’re struggling with a mental health issue or to put on a brave face when you feel anything but strong.

However, know that it took strength just to admit that you, or someone you love, may be struggling with addiction or substance abuse disorders, such as alcohol addiction, and in need of help. It took courage to type those words into a search engine and begin looking for answers to questions you wish you never had to ask. Just by beginning this journey, you are already headed in the right direction.

And, like everything else in the lone star state, the range of options for a Texas addiction treatment center is wide. If you’re not sure how to start sifting through all of those options, don’t worry. If you take things one step at a time, you can narrow your search and, ultimately, make a decision you feel confident about.

Beginning Your Search for Local Drug Rehab Programs

The obvious place to start looking for anything these days is the internet. However, before you start Googling lists to find a local treatment center, it’s wise to set a few parameters.

What are your “must-haves” for addiction treatment services? Carefully consider the differences between actual necessities versus reasonable limits that you would, under the right circumstances, be willing to bend. For example:

Your budget may be a non-negotiable if you’re forced to pay out-of-pocket for the cost of treatment. However… Insurance coverage through certain health insurance plans, government programs, and individualized payment plans are just a few ways in which you may be able to stretch that limit without needing to worry too much about costs.
Your location may set a hard limit on your search if you cannot reasonably afford, for one reason or another, to travel too far from home for addiction treatment. However… Some types of treatment programs include transportation to and from the facility within a certain radius. You must also ask yourself: would I be willing to travel just a little farther from home for a perfect individualized treatment plan? Especially important if your hometown options are limited, you may want to widen your search to the nearest major metropolis, like Dallas and Fort Worth in North Texas or San Antonio and San Angelo in South Texas.There are also healthcare providers like Discovery Point Retreat that offer concierge care services, like giving their patients “reliable transportation to…treatment centers from anywhere in the state of Texas, as well as nearby locations in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.”
Your faith may play a large role in your life and wellbeing, and this may rule out certain rehab centers with a basis in a specific belief system. However… While you may not find many drug rehab facilities that specifically incorporate your beliefs as a core tenet of treatment, many treatment centers are inclusive and flexible enough to allow you to privately incorporate your faith into your own personal path to recovery.
In many cases, inpatient treatment offers the best possible chance of long-term recovery. However… Check the local guidelines for inpatient admittance, before you limit your search only to a treatment center with residential treatment. In some select cases, outpatient treatment may provide sufficient support for recovery.

Of course, certain necessities truly are non-negotiable. For disabled individuals, accessibility is a top priority. If you have a medical condition that prohibits or requires certain foods in your diet, the ability of a treatment center to consistently adhere to those restrictions is a must.

Once you’ve set the primary limits of your search, it’s time to start looking. Before you hit the web, however, consider whether there is anyone you can talk to who might further simplify your search. If, for example, you are helping a loved one, see if they are willing and able to help split up the work. You might also ask other trusted friends or family members for help or advice, particularly if you know someone who is already in recovery from a substance use disorder and is stable.

Then, if you’re ready, begin your search. Don’t limit yourself to finding the best treatment center in your chosen search radius. Be sure to check out different sources and compile your own list of options that meet all of your primary needs.

Narrowing Down Potential Addiction Treatment Options

At this point, you may have quite the list of possibilities. Now, it’s time to narrow your search and sort out your good options from your not-so-good ones.

Start with the basics. Familiarize yourself with how to evaluate the quality of a drug rehab program, and assess your options accordingly. Things like safety concerns, privacy considerations, discharge planning, and the overall comfort and cleanliness of a facility are all major signifiers of how reliable a given facility may be.

Then, ask yourself this: what are my personal top priorities? Once all of your must-have boxes are checked, what factors are most important to you? If you’re torn between two or more treatment facilities that seem equally viable, for example, you may want to focus on the ones closest to home. Or perhaps eco-friendliness is a core value for you; in this case, you may want to see which, if any, of the possibilities on your list incorporate green practices into their everyday operations.

Determining Your Best Option for Texas Drug Rehab

At this point, you’ve narrowed your list down to the cream of the crop. If you haven’t already been doing so, it’s time to start contacting these facilities directly. Have a list of questions ready before you begin calling or emailing to ensure that no stone is left unturned and that you have all the information you need to make your final decision.

Ultimately, your choice will come down to a combination of a comfortable environment and quality levels of care. Your best option for substance abuse treatment programs in Texas will be a treatment center with medical staff that is full of experts you trust with your own or your loved one’s well-being, with programming that’s both compassionate and comprehensive. Take a virtual or in-person tour, if you can, and ask as many questions as you feel you need to.

Armed with all of this information, you’ll be able to make an informed decision and rest easy knowing you—or your loved one—will be in good hands as you begin your recovery journey.

Located in San Antonio, New Choices Treatment Centers offers a Texas drug rehab option that provides both outpatient care and an inpatient program—with an inclusive, highly individualized approach. Not in San Antonio? Depending on your location, we may be able to offer free transportation. Reach out to us online or call us today at (726) 888-7003 to learn more.