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Opioid Addiction Treatment: Options for Roxicodone Abuse


Roxicodone is a brand name for an oxycodone drug. Sometimes referred to as “Roxy,” it belongs to the opioid (or narcotic) drug family. It is a semi-synthetic pain reliever derived from the naturally occurring opium compound, thebaine.

Roxicodone binds to opioid receptors in the brain, acting as an opioid agonist, and essentially alters the body’s perception of pain without actually fixing any of the underlying problems causing the pain. Roxy is a form of oxycodone that is delivered as an instant release tablet, whereas others, such as OxyContin, are time-released to provide sustained pain relief. ​​It is typically prescribed for the treatment of moderate to severe pain as well as chronic pain.

Because it is highly addictive and widely used, Roxy is quickly becoming a very popular drug of abuse in the United States. Abuse of oxycodone is increasingly common because of the sheer number of prescriptions for oxycodone drugs. Prescription drug abuse and addiction can come with a powerful range of challenges and stigmas, but it’s really important to know that you’re not alone.

If you believe you or a loved one may be abusing Roxy or related oxycodone substances, it’s crucial to understand the risks—including the acute risks of opioid withdrawal. Fortunately, there are opioid addiction treatment options available right now to help you reclaim your power.

Effects of Opioid Addiction and Roxicodone Abuse

Taking Roxy, or any prescription drug, in a way that deviates at all from the prescribed dose is considered drug abuse—including changing the form in which it is taken or independently initiating your own dose increases. These changes increase the risk of an opioid overdose.

The potential adverse effects of Roxicodone abuse can be separated into three categories:

Physical Effects Psychological Effects Social Effects
  • Nausea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal problems
  • Abdominal pain, bowel blockage
  • Low blood pressure, slow heartbeat, cardiac arrest
  • Unusual tiredness, dizziness, fatigue
  • Weakness, chills, sweating
  • Shallow breathing, respiratory depression
  • Blurred Vision 
  • Dry mouth
  • Seizures
  • Chest pain
  • Brain fog, confusion
  • Delusions, hallucinations
  • Psychosis
  • Irritability, aggression
  • Anxiety, restlessness
  • Depression
  • Incarceration
  • Loss of job
  • Financial ruin
  • Homelessness
  • Relationship problems with friends and family, including divorce

Roxy, which dulls the pain receptors in the brain, can also cause respiratory depression when taken in high doses—with fatal results.

Taking Roxy in combination with other substances can also lead to drug interactions that alter the effective dose of the drug and exacerbate common side effects and increase risk of overdose. Always tell your doctor if you are using other medications, including prescription medication, over-the-counter drugs, or illicit drugs. Any doctor following HIPAA will follow confidentiality rules with regards to illicit drugs, so it is imperative in assessing how to proceed. A doctor should always aim for the lowest dose possible to treat the ailment, no more, exercising caution to patients. You should also inform them of any medical condition you may have , as opioid medicines can interact negatively with certain conditions. Unused medicines should be disposed of properly to prevent access in case of urges as well as accidental ingestion by others. There are facilities that would have a drug take-back option available.

Roxicodone addiction often happens in phases:

First comes tolerance, which is when the body starts to need more and more of the drug in order to achieve the same results, whether the desired result is pain relief or a high.

After tolerance comes dependence, which is when the body needs consistent and sustained levels of the drug in order to function normally. This stage will set in after extended substance use, even when a person is taking their medication as prescribed. A person doesn’t have to abuse the drug in order to become dependent on it. This makes it extremely important to stay in close and continuous communication with your doctor any time you are taking Roxicodone so that he or she can monitor your symptoms to make any changes necessary to avoid addiction.

Addiction usually follows dependence. Addiction begins when a person starts to take irresponsible actions or exhibit reckless behavior in pursuit of the drug. This includes lying, violence towards themselves or others, illegally purchasing Roxy on the street or from the internet, forging prescriptions, or seeing multiple doctors in a short amount of time to get multiple prescriptions.

Quitting Roxy: What Does Opioid Withdrawal Look Like?

Another sign of Roxy addiction is experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you attempt to stop taking it. As with any addictive substance, it is safest to detox from Roxicodone and other opioids under the supervision of medical professionals who know what withdrawal symptoms to watch out for and how best to mitigate or prevent them.

Early-stage symptoms of withdrawal you are likely to see within the first day of quitting include:

  • Muscle pain, fatigue
  • Anxiety, restlessness
  • Mood changes
  • Teary eyes or runny nose
  • Excessive sweating
  • Insomnia or difficulty falling or staying asleep

Following these are the more intense late-stage withdrawal symptoms, which include:

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach cramps
  • Gooseflesh or chills
  • Dilated pupils, blurry vision
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • High blood pressure

These symptoms not only indicate that drug addiction treatment may be necessary—they also signify just how important medically supervised detox is to your overall health and wellbeing. 

Ensuring Safety through Expert Opioid Addiction  Treatment

If your Roxicodone use has escalated to abuse, getting help is important—and getting the right help can make all the difference. Here are some resources for finding and evaluating your options for safe opioid withdrawal and treatment for Roxicodone addiction:

Finding compassionate, experienced addiction specialists to work with and a treatment program that truly fits your needs and personal goals for recovery is key to laying a solid foundation for your healing journey. No one should have to struggle with addiction alone. If you think you or a loved one may need Roxicodone addiction treatment, the sooner you begin your search, the sooner healing can begin.

There are many forms of care including detox, inpatient and outpatient treatment with medication-assisted treatment (MAT) being a very effective one. 

At New Choices, we take a whole health approach and thus, will look at finding and healing any underlying mental health disorder present in addition to the substance use disorder checked in for. Drug addiction can make it seem like you’re in the passenger’s seat of your life, but you can take the wheel again with help.  

New Choices Treatment Center offers opioid addiction treatment, including medically supervised detox for safe opioid withdrawal, as well as various treatment options for Roxicodone and other addictions. To find out more about our programs and facility, contact us anytime or call us at (726) 888-7003.