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A Comprehensive Guide to
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs

Explore how New Choices Treatment Center’s substance use disorder treatment provides holistic, evidence-based care for clients to achieve lasting recovery.


Understanding the Complexity of Addiction

Substance use disorders (SUD) are complex medical conditions that intertwine brain chemistry, emotional health, and life circumstances. It can affect every aspect of a person’s life, from personal relationships to professional commitments, often escalating without conscious awareness.

Understanding how substance use disorders affect individuals means recognizing that it’s not about lacking willpower but about dealing with a serious health issue that requires proper care and support.
This disorder can be daunting, but it’s important to know that substance use disorder treatment is possible.
Substance Use Disorder treatment

Holistic Care at New Choices Treatment Center (NCTC)

At NCTC, we recognize the multifaceted nature of substance use disorder treatment, so we go beyond simply addressing the physical dependence on substances.

Our focus is on treating the whole person and acknowledging the biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to addiction.
Our commitment is to provide a comprehensive and compassionate substance use disorder treatment experience. We believe in creating a safe and supportive environment where clients feel empowered to seek help and actively participate in their recovery journey.

Exploring the Multifaceted Approach to SUD Treatment and Recovery

Our core values emphasize:
  • Compassionate care: Creating a safe and supportive environment where clients feel empowered to seek help and actively participate in their recovery
  • Evidence-based practices: Utilizing research-backed therapeutic modalities that have a proven track record of success in treating SUD
  • Empowering recovery: Equipping clients with the tools, resources, and support systems necessary for long-term sobriety and wellness

Understanding Substance Use Disorder and Its Prevalence

SUD is a chronic condition characterized by an uncontrollable urge to use substances despite harmful consequences. SUD can occur at different points in an individual’s lifetime, and it can start for a variety of reasons.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the leading text for psychological and psychiatric diagnoses, outlines the criteria to diagnose SUD.
These criteria consider various factors, including:
  1. Impaired control: The inability to control substance use despite attempts to cut back or quit.
  2. Social and occupational problems: Substance use leads to relationship difficulties, job loss, or neglecting responsibilities.
  3. Risky use: Using substances in dangerous situations, such as driving under the influence.
  4. Tolerance: Needing to use increasingly larger amounts of a substance to achieve the same effect.
  5. Withdrawal symptoms: Experiencing physical and psychological discomfort when stopping or reducing substance use.
Recent data shows that about 48.7 million people needed substance use disorder treatment in 2022.1

A Closer Look at SUD

The Impact of SUD on Individuals and Society

People grappling with SUD face many challenges that go beyond their physical and mental health. It impacts their relationships, professional lives, and the safety and well-being of their communities.

Impact on Relationships

SUD can damage personal relationships. The trust necessary for strong relationships erodes as people may lie or act unpredictably due to their substance use.
Families and friendships can also become strained or break under the pressure of the disorder. This leads to isolation for the person struggling with SUD. The isolation can exacerbate the disorder, as social support is often a key element in successful SUD treatment.

Impact on Community Safety

Communities where SUD is prevalent often experience increased crime rates. People may resort to illegal activities to fund their substance use. This contributes to community instability and safety concerns.
The rise in crime puts tension on local law enforcement and legal systems, diverting resources from other community needs and lowers the overall quality of life.
Additionally, substance use contributes directly to fatal incidents. Recent research shows that 37 Americans die every day from drunk driving crashes.2

Economic Impact

The economic consequences of SUD are profound. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance abuse costs the US economy over $600 billion annually.3

These costs include:
  • Healthcare expenditures
  • Criminal justice system costs
  • Lost workplace productivity
Employers face higher rates of absenteeism and accidents. This affects not only the bottom line but also workplace morale and safety.

Understanding the Cycle of Addiction

Addiction is a complex cycle influenced by several factors, including the following:

Psychological Factors

Addiction can be largely driven by emotions. Stress, anxiety, and depression can drive individuals to seek relief through substances. This emotional reliance on substances for coping creates a dangerous cycle that deepens the addiction.

Behavioral Factors

Habits and routines also contribute to the cycle of addiction. Repeated substance use in certain settings or during specific activities can strengthen associations.
This makes sobriety challenging. Breaking these ingrained patterns requires conscious effort and often professional help through substance use disorder treatment plans.

Neurobiological Factors

On a biological level, substances alter brain chemistry. They trigger the release of dopamine, creating a feeling of pleasure. The brain starts to associate substance use with this reward, reinforcing the desire to use.
This makes it difficult to experience pleasure from non-drug activities. Over time, the brain requires more substance to achieve the same effect. This can lead to increased use and dependency.

Comprehensive Substance Use Disorder Treatment Modalities

NCTC utilizes a comprehensive range of modalities tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, such as:

Assessment and Diagnosis

The initial step towards recovery is a comprehensive assessment and diagnosis. This process is crucial to uncover each person’s unique needs and challenges related to substance use disorder treatment.


Our assessment process starts with a detailed interview. This helps NCTC gather information about the client’s:
  • Substance use history
  • Mental and physical health
  • Social environment

Psychological Testing

Standardized tests can provide insights into personality traits and cognitive functioning. The same tests can also detect conditions that may co-occur with SUD, such as anxiety or depression.

Physical Examination

A physical exam by our experts can identify any potential medical problems related to substance use.

Personalized Plan

Based on the assessment, we develop a personalized substance use disorder treatment plan. This plan considers all aspects of the client’s life affected by addiction. It aims to provide targeted interventions that address physical symptoms and underlying causes.

Detoxification and Managing Withdrawal Symptoms Under Medical Supervision

Detoxification is a critical first step during substance use disorder treatment. It focuses on safely managing withdrawal symptoms under medical supervision. This phase prepares clients for further treatment by cleansing the body of substances.

Continuous Monitoring

During detox, medical professionals watch clients closely. They help manage withdrawal symptoms in a supportive environment. This supervision ensures safety, as withdrawal can be unpredictable and potentially life-threatening.

Medically Managed Detox

Professionals often use medications to ease withdrawal symptoms. This helps patients cope with discomfort and cravings during substance use disorder treatment.

Therapy and Counseling Options at NCTC

Therapy and counseling are fundamental pillars of successful substance use disorder treatment. Some of the approaches we employ include:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT helps identify and change thought patterns that negatively influence behavior and emotions. According to studies, 58% of patients receiving CBT show significant improvements over those not receiving CBT.4
Here is how CBT can help enhance substance use disorder treatment:

Identifying Triggers

One of the first steps in CBT is identifying the factors that trigger substance use, including:
  • Specific situations
  • Emotions
  • Thoughts
This awareness is crucial for developing effective coping strategies.

Changing Thought Patterns

CBT helps alter irrational or harmful thoughts. Clients can reduce their reliance on substances by changing how they react to various situations.

Skill Development

CBT teaches valuable skills that can help individuals:
  • Manage stress
  • Handle interpersonal conflicts
  • Regulate emotions
About 75% of people relapse within the first year after treatment. These skills could help people avoid relapse and maintain sobriety in the long term following substance use disorder treatment.5

How Does CBT Work?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a key component of substance use disorder treatment at our center.
Here is how this therapy can help:
  1. Emotional regulation: DBT teaches clients to control and understand their emotions; this helps reduce behaviors that lead to substance use
  2. Mindfulness: At the core of DBT is mindfulness, which involves being present and aware without judgment; this practice helps clients cope with negative thoughts and feelings safely
  3. Interpersonal effectiveness: DBT improves communication skills and conflict resolution, which is essential for repairing and maintaining healthy relationships affected by substance use
  4. Distress tolerance: Clients learn to endure painful situations without resorting to substance use; this involves techniques such as distraction, self-soothing, and viewing tough situations positively.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

MAT is a vital part of our substance use disorder treatment programs. MAT reduces cravings and eases withdrawal symptoms. This helps clients stabilize during the early stages of recovery.
At NCTC, we combine MAT with counseling and behavioral therapies. This helps us address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

Types of Medications Used in MAT

MAT utilizes various pharmacotherapies tailored to treat specific types of SUD. This includes opioid use disorder, alcohol use disorder, and dependencies on other substances.
Substance Use Disorder treatment

For Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)

For opioid addiction, it is common to use:
  • Buprenorphine
  • Methadone
  • Naltrexone 
They help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms without the high associated with opioids. Naltrexone also blocks opioid receptors in the brain, preventing the feeling of euphoria related to opioid use.
These medications are effective in maintaining long-term recovery and improving survival rates. A study found that treatment with buprenorphine or methadone reduces the risk of fatal overdose by 38% and 59%, respectively.6

Know the Signs of OUD

For Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

The primary medications used to treat alcohol dependence include:
  • Disulfiram: Disulfiram causes unpleasant effects when alcohol is consumed, which deters drinking.
  • Naltrexone: Naltrexone reduces the urge to drink by blocking the euphoric effects of alcohol.
  • Acamprosate: Acamprosate helps restore the chemical balance in the brain in people who have stopped drinking.
These medications are crucial for managing cravings and preventing relapse.
Substance Use Disorder treatment

Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Holistic Support for Recovery

Holistic support for substance use disorder treatment and recovery includes services aimed at treating the whole person, not just the addiction. This approach recognizes the importance of addressing physical, emotional, mental, and social factors to ease healing and recovery.

Mind-Body Practices at NCTC

At NCTC, we recognize the importance of addressing all aspects of well-being in the recovery process. That is why we offer mind-body practices for promoting healing and resilience in SUD recovery.
Here are some key elements of our holistic substance use disorder treatment program:


Regular yoga practice decreases anxiety and depressive symptoms associated with recovery. Yoga combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation to improve:
  • Physical fitness
  • Reduce stress
  • Enhance mental clarity


Meditation encourages focused attention and increased awareness. It can help clients quiet mental chatter and manage stress. This strengthens a person’s ability to remain present and non-judgmental.


Breathwork involves intentional control of breathing patterns to influence mental, emotional, and physical states.
By increasing the oxygen supply to the brain, it can:
  • Quickly reduce stress and anxiety
  • Provide emotional release
  • Improve cognitive function

Nutrition and Wellness During Recovery

Proper nutrition is critical during SUD treatment. During addiction, physical health and nutritional needs are often neglected, which can lead to various deficiencies and health issues. Addressing these through a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is necessary.
This can help:
  • Repair damage
  • Boost immune function
  • Improve energy levels
We emphasize the importance of consuming healthy foods that provide the body with essential nutrients. This not only supports physical health but can also improve mood and cognitive function.

Social Support in the Recovery Journey

Social support is also crucial during SUD treatment. Connections with peers who understand recovery challenges provide essential emotional support.
NCTC fosters social support through the following:
  • Group Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Outdoor Adventure Therapy
  • Art Therapy
These activities can offer safe environments to share stories, gain insights, and find encouragement. This can help clients feel less isolated and have access to a network of encouragement and understanding.

The Role of Individualized Substance Use Disorder Treatment Plans

NCTC is committed to providing person-centered care by tailoring treatment plans through the following:

Person-Centered Care: Understanding the Individual

The foundation of a treatment plan lies in a comprehensive understanding of the client. Our intake process involves:
  • In-depth assessments
  • Gathering Information about the client’s lifestyle and social support network
  • Identifying the client’s strengths and resiliencies 
This helps us design a SUD treatment plan that is not only effective but also feels achievable and personally relevant.

Engaging Clients in the Treatment Process

At NCTC, we believe in collaborative decision-making. Clients participate in treatment planning, selecting therapies, and setting goals. This aligns the recovery plan with their personal values and needs.
Client involvement also helps clients feel heard and valued. This enhances their commitment to the treatment process.

Flexibility in Adjusting Treatment Approaches

The path to recovery is not linear and often requires adjustments to meet evolving needs and challenges. That is why flexibility and adaptability in treatment plans are essential.
As client situations change, we continuously assess progress and respond accordingly. This adaptive approach helps maintain the effectiveness of the treatment over time. It addresses new obstacles and supports sustained recovery efforts.

Family Involvement in Recovery

We engage families and caregivers by offering support and essential resources. This helps them understand SUD and strengthens their ability to support recovery effectively.
We use a family centered approach to treatment that can improve communication and resolve conflicts. Our approach helps family members understand and empathize with others. This creates a supportive environment conducive to recovery for our clients.

NCTC's Commitment to Excellence

At NCTC, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care for people struggling with SUD. We understand that seeking SUD treatment can be a daunting experience.
That’s why we cultivate a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment for our clients. As a result, they are able to open up and actively participate in their recovery process.

Multidisciplinary Team at NCTC

At NCTC, we leverage a multidisciplinary team of experts who specialize in:
  • Addiction medicine
  • Psychiatry
  • Counseling
  • Holistic approaches
This collaborative approach ensures each aspect of recovery is covered. In this way, all clients benefit from tailored and effective support.

Empowering Recovery: A Brighter Future Beyond Addiction

NCTC is committed to a continuum of care that extends beyond the initial substance use disorder treatment program. We believe in supporting clients throughout their recovery journey.
This helps them build a foundation for a fulfilling and addiction-free life. Our ultimate goal is to empower clients with the tools, resources, and support systems they need.
We achieve this by:
Substance Use Disorder treatment

Embrace a New Beginning at NCTC

At NCTC, we guide you through every step of your recovery journey. Our holistic approach incorporates a range of therapies and wellness practices, ensuring we address your unique needs.

Our multidisciplinary team of experts, including addiction specialists, therapists, and wellness professionals, provides comprehensive care.
In our compassionate environment, you’ll find the support and encouragement needed to heal from SUD. Together, we’ll empower you to overcome addiction and reclaim a vibrant, fulfilling life – a life rich with healthy relationships, meaningful pursuits, and lasting joy.

Take the First Step Toward Recovery

Contact us today to learn more about our substance use disorder treatment programs and how we can tailor our treatments to meet your specific needs. Together, we can build a foundation for a healthier, happier future. Join us at NCTC and learn how we can help you transform your life.

We’re excited for your future in recovery.